Become a member

Membership is essential to us because we were created to service the needs of our Indigenous members, that’s why it is required to have access to activities and services

  • *** To sign up you will need an email because we use an online sign up tool, but you can always ask our staff to sign you up over the phone, by email or in person at our office. If you need assistance to sign up contact us !

Why Membership is so important

  • When you sign up you are helping us fundraise for your services because our funders need to know that we have members to serve and that they have needs, so thanks for helping us to do our job !

  • We do not share or sell your personal information with anyone, it is kept in a secure server here in Montreal we just let our funders know how many people want services or are using services.

  • At any time you can ask to no longer be a member and we will delete all your registration information to do so contact us !

Our Indigenous Governance and membership

Native Montreal is an Indigenous non profit and our Indigenous members are at the core of our governance

  • Indigenous members can be elected to be administrators and elect board members and vote for resolutions during our Annual general meetings.

  • Non indigenous members can be present during this meetings but cannot be elected or vote.

Qualifications for Membership

Voting Indigenous Members. To qualify as an Voting Member of the organisation, any person must:

1)    Be Indigenous;

2)    Reside or regularly work in Montreal Urban Community;

3)    Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;

4)    Accept the goals and objectives of the Organisation and commit them selfs to comply with all the By-Laws of the Corporation; and

5)    Accept to volunteer his/her time in pursuance of the Organisation’s goals.

Friend Non Indigenous Members. To qualify as a Friend Non Indigenous Member of the Organisation any person must:

1)  Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;

2)  Accept the goals and objectives of the Corporation and commit him/herself to comply with all the By-Laws defined by the corporation; and

3)  Accept to volunteer his/her time in pursuance of the Corporation’s goals.